Project Reviews

Conversations and resume reviews are often not enough to be SURE a developer can solve real world problems across technologies. Pre-hire "Developer Challenges" and project assignments are a staple for vetting processes, but they are high touch and expensive. Pairify has the process down to a science and can handle everything from "hello" to delivery of results!

Project Review

The “Project Review” assessment type attempts to evaluate the candidate’s ability to complete an assignment with a cohesive and functional product. When the candidate indicates they are ready, we send project instructions. As the candidate works on the project, we keep a timer running and check in with them on a daily basis. When the candidate turns in the project, one of our evaluators will perform an application and code review. Evaluators will make recommendations based on the Focus Area, Job Description, and Desired Seniority Level provided.


Projects can be customized by you or pulled from our library of options. Also, projects can utilize specific technologies and/or techniques or can be open to the candidate to choose. Also, our data points below are only defaults, so they can flex with you.

Data Points

Data Points for each Pairify assessment are sent to you at the conclusion of the assessment via email (PDF) or API endpoint.

From Candidate:

  • Project Source Code
  • Public Application URL
  • Video Walkthrough
  • Project Duration

From Evaluator:

  • Hosting Platform Used
  • Devops Skill Level
  • Database Used
  • Database Skill Level
  • Following Instructions
  • Interpreting Business Requirements
  • Recommended Level
  • Recommended for Job
  • Evaluator's Notes

Front-End Evaluation:

  • Language Used
  • Language Skill Level
  • Framework Used
  • Framework Skill Level
  • Unit Testing Skill Level
  • Cleanliness/Organization
  • Design/UX

Back-End Evaluation:

  • Language Used
  • Language Skill Level
  • Framework Used
  • Framework Skill Level
  • Unit Testing Skill Level
  • Cleanliness/Organization

Try it out with your next candidate!




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